Boston Fern Outside

Boston fern outside
Boston ferns grow outside well in the right conditions. If you live in the right USDA zones, these ferns can grow all-year-round in garden beds or containers. If you live in colder regions, keep your Boston ferns in containers so that you can move them into a sheltered location in the winter months.
Can I leave my Boston fern outside in the winter?
Boston Ferns can only survive temperatures down to around 20-40 degrees and can only survive the high end of that range when handing in a pot. So get those plants inside when it starts to get chilly outdoors and don't worry when the fronds start to turn yellow and brown and start shedding.
What temperature can Boston ferns be outside?
If growing outdoors, provide full or partial shade. Boston fern likes a night temperature of 65ºF and a warmer day temperature that does not exceed 95ºF, but will tolerate cooler temperatures if growing outside. If grown seasonally outdoors it should be moved inside or protected when temperatures dip into the low 40's.
How much sun does a Boston fern need?
Light: Boston Ferns are adaptable plants that thrive in medium and bright, indirect sunlight. Prolonged exposure to bright direct sunlight may burn and scorch their leaves.
How do I keep my Boston fern alive in the winter?
How to Overwinter a Boston Fern
- Prune the fern by removing any brown or dead fronds, and leaving the newest growth.
- Try to acclimate the plant before deciding on its permanent location.
- Houseplant: Weekly watering and misting/spraying for humidity. ...
- Dormancy: Monthly watering is necessary when preserving with dormancy.
Can Boston ferns take full sun outdoors?
Boston ferns are the perfect porch plant, as they thrive in lots of indirect light. Morning sun is ideal, as full afternoon sun can burn the fronds. In humid, subtropical areas of Florida (zones 10 to 12), Boston ferns make an attractive mid-height groundcover in areas with dappled shade.
When should I bring my Boston fern inside?
Before the first frost of the fall is the perfect time to bring potted ferns indoors for the winter.
How do you keep ferns alive outside in winter?
Ferns planted in the ground typically do not need additional watering during the winter. The snow or rain will be enough moisture throughout the season. Ferns thrive in consistently moist soil and do not like to be dry.
Where do you put a Boston fern outside?
Boston fern in gardens require partial to full shade, or dappled, filtered light. This makes the plant a good choice for shady, damp areas, providing a spark of bright color where few other plants will grow. The plant prefers rich, organic soil.
Are Boston ferns OK at 40 degrees?
Boston ferns thrive in temperatures in the 60s and 70s but can tolerate an occasional blast of cold air of 40 to 50 degrees for a few hours. Once a month in spring and summer, feed them a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. In spring, large plants can easily be divided and repotted.
How long will Boston ferns last outside?
Considered perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 to 11, they may stay out all year where temperatures seldom drop below 45 degrees F, but must be brought indoors if threatened by frost.
How do you take care of a Boston fern outside?
How to Care for Ferns on Your Porch
- Select The Right Fern. Boston Ferns and Kimberly Queen Ferns are the most popular selections for porches.
- Place In Indirect Light. Ferns prefer bright, indirect light. ...
- Water Your Fern Regularly. ...
- Fertilize Monthly. ...
- Follow These Overwinter Steps.
Where is the best place to put a Boston fern?
Situate Boston ferns indoors in bright, indirect sunlight away from drafty doors and heating vents. Provide as much humidity as possible and carefully monitor the soil to ensure plants stay consistently moist. You can set the plants on pebble trays filled with water, so long as the pot does not sit in standing water.
How often do I water a Boston fern?
Many people fear they will overwater their fern but Boston ferns crave water and need daily watering when outdoors, especial on hot summer days. On really hot days it's a good idea to water your fern twice a day.
Should you water Boston ferns everyday?
Although you should be shooting for soil that stays evenly moist, you don't want it to be waterlogged or overly saturated. Whenever the surface of the soil is dry, you should water your fern plants again. Don't let their soil dry out completely.
Should I cut my ferns back for winter?
Pruning evergreen ferns To avoid a mish-mash mess, cut all of the fronds from your fern to the ground late each winter or early each spring. Once all of the fronds are cut down, each plant should look like a tiny, curled fist on the ground.
Will Boston ferns come back after a freeze?
Ferns can recover from a freeze as long as the roots and rhizome have not been killed. Potted ferns should be moved into a porch, garage or utility room that is sheltered but not heated like the main house, and the extent of root damage assessed.
Can ferns survive winter inside?
Ferns do not require much at all to survive the winter indoors. There is no need for fertilizing – really all that is needed is an occasional watering. Check the soil every 5 to 7 days, and water only when the soil has completely dried out.
Will Boston ferns grow in the ground?
Today, Boston fern is still a top pick for indoor and outdoor settings. But, because Boston fern can grow 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide, it are often a better choice for outdoor situations. In zones 9-11, Boston fern can be planted directly in the ground. Here's a plant that lives up to its name.
How cold is too cold for ferns?
Tolerating Cold Weather If necessary, keep them in a dark basement or garage in the winter where they'll go dormant, but be aware that temperatures below 55F puts them to sleep forever.
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